ALDI Spain: A focus on sustainability during an expansion period

ALDI Spain: A focus on sustainability during an expansion period

During the expansion of ALDI Spain into new regions, sustainability remains a key focus, with initiatives to improve animal welfare and promote energy conservation.

In 2021, we continued our expansion in Spain. Over the past three years, we opened almost 80 new ALDI stores. By the end of 2022, we plan to open an additional 50 new stores, 12 of them on the Canary Islands. We will create more than 200 jobs in this region. The distribution centre – currently under construction in Gran Canaria – will be built according to BREEAM criteria.

In Spain, all our fresh chicken, turkey, rabbit, Iberian and white pork, organic beef, milk, and eggs have certification for animal welfare. By the end of 2021, 86 per cent of fresh meat was animal welfare certified and we aim to reach 100 per cent by the end of 2022. In December 2021, we published our National Animal Welfare Policy.

We increased the usage of renewable energy in our stores and distribution centres. In 2021, photovoltaic systems were installed in 48 stores (2,880 kWp with generation of 4,074 MWh). Wherever possible, photovoltaic systems are being installed in all new stores and in several existing stores. Installation may be restricted, for example, by the pitch of the roof, building regulations, or ownership. We had a total of 101 photovoltaic systems (6,310 kWp) on the roofs of our stores and distribution centres in 2021 with an annual output of 5,632 MWh, and generation of 96 per cent of the electricity being consumed by our stores. Furthermore, we plan to install photovoltaic systems in almost 70 additional stores by the end of 2022. At our distribution centres, photovoltaic systems are installed on new centres and on existing centres undergoing expansion..

Our highlights

101 photovoltaic systems

(6,310 kWp installed)

The policy of implementing renewable energy in stores and logistic centres was strongly reinforced in 2021. The increase in the installed photovoltaic capacity was almost doubled compared to the previous year.

100 %

green electricity

As in the previous two years, we purchased 100 per cent green energy in 2021.

ALDI Spain in profile

Regional companies
Total ALDI employees
Year of market entry

Progress on national goals 2021

Supply Chain & Resources


Description and scope

Status 2021 & next steps


National Animal Welfare Purchasing Policy by end of 2018

Preparation and publication of a National Spanish Animal Welfare Purchasing Policy by end of 2018.

Goal achieved.
Our National Animal Welfare Purchasing Policy was published in December 2021 and is available on our website.

35% certified sustainable fish and seafood by end of 2021**

35% certified fish and seafood products (MSC for wild fisheries and ASC, EU organic logo or GLOBALG.A.P. for aquaculture) by end of 2021.

Project ongoing.
29.9% certified sustainable fish and seafood products by end of 2021. We expect to achieve this goal by end of 2022.

SDG 12

100% fresh meat of national origin with a recognised animal welfare certification by end of 2022

100% of fresh meat products of national origin (excluding Canary Islands) with an animal welfare certification by end of 2022. For this, we accept both Welfair and Interporc certifications.

New goal.

Climate & Environment


Description and scope

Status 2021 & next steps


Installation of new photovoltaic systems by end of 2021

Increasing the number of ALDI stores equipped with photovoltaic systems by implementing these systems in 20 stores in Spain.

Goal achieved. 48 stores were equipped with photovoltaic systems (2,880 kWp in total) throughout 2021, reaching a total of 100 stores with photovoltaic systems in ALDI Spain (28% of all stores).

SDG 07

LED lighting in existing stores by end of 2021

Conversion of 120 existing ALDI stores (indoor salesroom lighting) and 30 outdoor car parks to LED lighting.

Goal achieved.
119 existing stores were converted to LED lighting (conversion has been ruled out in stores that are expected to close). 30 outdoor car parks were also converted to LED lighting.

SDG 07

Natural refrigerants for refrigeration systems in all new stores by end of 2021

Use of CO2 as refrigerant in all new stores, leading to elimination of synthetic refrigerants (with a higher GWP). as refrigerant in all new stores, leading to elimination of synthetic refrigerants (with a higher GWP).

Goal achieved.
All new stores have installed CO2 refrigeration technology, reaching a total of 68 stores in 2021 (19% of all stores).

SDG 07

100% green electricity by end of 2021

Purchase of 100% green electricity for stores, distribution centres and offices by end of 2021.

Goal achieved.
ALDI Spain purchased 99% green electricity for all stores, distribution centres and offices in 2021. The remaining 1% corresponds to some new stores where energy is contracted with other marketers as an interim solution.

SDG 07

Energy and domotic control system by end of 2021

Implementation of an energy and domotic control system in all new stores, as well as in 10 existing stores in 2021.

Goal (partially) achieved.
All new stores and seven existing stores implemented an energy and domotic system in 2021. The implementation in the remaining three stores was delayed due to the material supply crisis and it is expected to be carried out during the first half of 2022. In total, 152 stores with an energy and domotic control system (43% of all stores).

SDG 09

Obtain certification in sustainable building (BREEAM) for a logistics centre in 2022

Achieve the BREEAM certification (in terms of sustainability and energy efficiency), with at least Excellence qualification, in the new logistics platform of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) in 2022.

New goal.

SDG 09

Installation of photovoltaic systems in stores by end of 2022

Increasing the number of ALDI stores equipped with photovoltaic systems by implementing these systems in 70 more stores in Spain throughout 2022.

New goal.

SDG 07

Installation of photovoltaic systems in logistics centres by end of 2022

Installing photovoltaic systems in new logistics centres (600 kWp) and in existing centres undergoing expansion (1,200 kWp) by end of 2022.

New goal.

SDG 07

Natural refrigerants for refrigeration systems in all new stores and all new logistics centres opened during 2022, as well as in logistics centres undergoing expansion during 2022

Use of CO2 as refrigerant in all new stores opened during 2022, leading to elimination of synthetic refrigerants (with a higher GWP). Use of natural refrigerants (CO2, NH3) in all new logistics centres opened during 2022, and in existing centres undergoing expansion in 2022.

New goal.

SDG 07

100% green electricity purchased annually

Purchase of 100% green electricity for stores, distribution centres and offices by end of 2022.

New goal.

SDG 07

Implementation of an energy and domotic control system in stores opened during 2022, as well as in several stores

Implementation of an energy and domotic control system in all new stores opened during 2022, as well as in 31 existing stores by end of 2022.

New goal.

SDG 09
Employees & Community


Description and scope

Status 2021 & next steps


Implement an open training programme for employees by end of 2021*

Implementation of a new open continuous training programme for all employees by end of 2021.

Goal achieved.
The first lifelong learning programme in ALDI Spain has been implemented to support the digitalisation of training to more than 1,500 employees (9,205 hours of training through 12 open programmes).

By 2023, we will expand to 20 open programmes.

SDG 04

Professionalise the network of trainers, establishing a formal role and developing these internal trainers in 2021*

Definition of the role of the trainers and rollout for the training of staff to become internal training experts for new employees in 2021.

Goal achieved.
'Launch of Trainer' community: 94 store employee trainers and 52 sales trainers in 2021.

In 2023, we aim to have a trainer for each area of five – six stores.

SDG 04

Promote the FP Dual Programme through new agreements and increasing the number of participants in 2021*, **

Establish new agreements and increase the number of participants in the FP Dual Programme in 2021.

Goal (partially) achieved.
In 2021, 13 agreements with educational centres were established (31 students in 2021 compared to 56 in 2020) and ALDI has actively participated in the Spanish Alliance for Dual FP.

For 2023, and the following years, we aim to engage a minimum of 40 students each year.

SDG 04

Implement a language programme (English) by end of 2021*

Implementation of a language programme (English) for all office employees by end of 2021.

Goal achieved.
All corporate and regional office employees have access to language classes with the aim of having a B2-level in 2023.

SDG 04

* The phrasing of the goal was adapted according to the requirements.
** The target year of the goal was adjusted.




